Employee Code of Conduct - Future Leadership

Employee Code of Conduct

Our Number One Rule: Use good judgment in all situations.

Team members, including employees and associates, are always contractually obliged to follow our Code of Conduct whilst performing their duties and/or representing our firm. Failure to comply with this Code will be treated very seriously and may result in disciplinary action – up to and including dismissal or referral to an agency if there is a contravention of law or legislation.

Legal compliance

It is expected that all team members will have a working knowledge of the laws, regulations and policies which apply to them in their role at Fisher Leadership and to seek training or clarification from our legal counsel where required. Fisher Leadership is committed to providing opportunity for professional development in this area. Team members are always required to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and Fisher Leadership policies.


Team members must ensure confidential information is held in confidence.  Information relating to Fisher Leadership, its clients, candidates, and its suppliers is not to be disclosed. Disclosure of any such confidential information should only be made where it is appropriately authorised or required by law or client contract, or where the information is already in the public domain.

This obligation continues after team members have left Fisher Leadership in line with employment or associate agreement conditions.

Privacy & information security

Our Information Security Policy has been established to ensure the data we collect and store in the normal course of business is protected from threats, unauthorised access or unintentional

disclosure, loss, or corruption. Please refer to this policy in terms of your obligations, including access to premises, information systems and other information assets of Fisher Leadership (including those licenced from third parties).

In the normal course of business, team members will collect and access data relating to our third-party relationships. Our Privacy Policy governs the collection, storage, access, use, retention, and disclosure of such data. Please refer to this policy in terms of how you are required to manage such data to ensure there is no breach of our privacy obligations. If there is any clarification required, contact the Privacy Officer on privacy@localhost.

Ethical behaviour

Team members will observe high standards of honesty, integrity, ethical and responsible behaviours, when dealing with our firm’s finances, products, clients, candidates, partnerships, and reputation. Team members are always expected to act with professionalism in the workplace.


Our values represent the way we work every day. Care, Collaborate, Solve and Impact are the key values that drive our business. All team members are accountable for living the values and bringing our purpose life – to create a world of difference. Everyone has an equal right to use their voice in our workplace, and we encourage open communication amongst all team members and senior leadership.


At Fisher Leadership, respect for colleagues and third parties and contribution to an inclusive culture is paramount to our values. We celebrate and learn from different perspectives and embrace the value of collective ideas. Discriminatory behaviour, harassment or victimisation is not tolerated. Our team upholds equal opportunity policy in all aspects of their work, from recruitment and performance evaluation to interpersonal relations.

Health, safety, and wellbeing

Fisher Leadership will provide a safe and healthy work environment and encourage the wellbeing of employees, associates, visitors, and the public. This is achieved by integrating health, safety and wellbeing into its operations and activities, continuous improvement and requiring leadership in health, safety, and wellbeing. The prevention of both physical and psychological injury and illnesses is the focus of the health and safety system.

Our Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy, Fire Safety Policy and First Aid Policy provide further guidance in how you can ensure we maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all.

Conflicts of interest

Conflict of interest refers to any case where a team members’ personal interest might conflict with the interest of Fisher Leadership. This may impact team member’s judgement and commitment to the firm, and by extension to the realisation of its goals.

It is important that if you have any actual, perceived, or potential conflicts of interest, they are identified, disclosed to a senior executive, and effectively managed, including avoiding conflicts where possible.

Gifts and entertainment

We actively discourage team members from giving or accepting gifts from external parties. Any gifts over the value of $50 will be disclosed and recorded in the gift register.

Entertainment and hospitality must be kept to reasonable levels and be relevant to business activity being undertaken. Team members will not offer or accept any hospitality, payment or gift in order to influence or be seen to influence commercial decisions.

Responsible use of resources

All team members are required to treat the firm’s property, whether material or intangible, with respect and care. This includes trademarks, copyright, and other intellectual and physical property (information, reports etc). The firms property is intended to enable team members to complete their work duties efficiently and should be only be used for legitimate business purposes, and care taken to protect it from any kind of damage or loss.

Personal appearance

All team members are welcome to reflect professionalism, cultural, religious and personality-based preferences in their style of dressing. We ask that team members remember their appearance can create a positive or negative impression that reflects on our firm and culture. Team members should note that our professionalism is critical when representing our firm in front of clients, visitors, or other parties.

Work duties and authority

Team members aspire to fulfil their work duties with the utmost integrity and respect towards clients, stakeholders, and the greater community. Supervisors and managers utilise their authority alongside insight and empathy, considering competence and workload when delegating duties to team members. Likewise, team members respect the leadership team and invest their highest skills in their work in a timely manner. With a commitment to lifelong learning the firm encourages formal and informal learning and mentoring for the entire team.

Work breaks

Team members are encouraged to take breaks from work at regular intervals to destress and recharge. We recognise that rest intervals are important in enabling team members to bring fresh perspectives on challenging projects and to get their creative juices flowing.

Speak out

Compliance with our Code of Conduct is critical to maintaining the ethical and professional standards that we wish to be known for. If you are unsure about any aspects, have a question or need clarification please speak out. You can raise any issue with your manager or a senior member of the leadership team.

We want everyone to feel safe and without any fear of reprisal when speaking out. As such Fisher Leaderships’ Whistleblower Policy is in place to guide you in how to raise a concern, report an incident or make a complaint. This can be done anonymously if you wish, and our policy provides strict protection for whistleblowers, and provides a clear path for matters to be dealt with. Any concerns should be directed to whilstleblower@localhost, which is managed by the Company Secretary and Legal Counsel.

Social media

Social media is a valuable tool for promoting the individuals and organisations and engaging with the community. Fisher Leadership acknowledges the right of employees and associates to maintain their own social media accounts and the right to express their own views and opinions. We ask that you be mindful of what you post and the intended an unintended consequence on associates, clients, candidates, suppliers, and community. Any post should be made as you an individual and should not appear to represent our firm unless considerately aligned and designed to promote Fisher Leadership activities.

Some employees do represent our firm by handling corporate social media accounts or speak on our firm’s behalf. When you are responsible for a corporate social media account, we expect you to act carefully and responsibly to protect Fisher Leadership’s image and reputation, and do so in accordance with this code of conduct, privacy policy and information protection policy

Supporting material

Document title
Diversity & Inclusion Policy
Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy, Fire Safety Policy, and First Aid Policy
Information Security Policy
Privacy Policy
Whistleblower Policy


Governance – Policy Development and Review

Policy Name:                    Code of Conduct Policy

Policy Owner:                   Chief Finance & Technology Officer

Issue Date:                         June 2020

Last Revised Date:            17/06/2020

Next Review Date:            17/06/2022



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