Gold Sponsors for the AHEIA Conference 2018 - Future Leadership

Gold Sponsors for the AHEIA Conference 2018

Fisher Leadership was delighted to once again serve as Gold Sponsors for the annual Australian Higher Education Industrial Association HR/IR Conference, this year held in Brisbane. It was a wonderful opportunity for our higher education practice leaders, Andrew Norton and Mira Bacelj, to catch up with clients old and new and gain invaluable insights into the current state of play in this ever-evolving sector.

A particular highlight was leading the plenary session on best practices to ensure senior executive diversity in the higher education sector. Mira Bacelj shared an overview of Fisher Leadership’s contribution to Universities Australia Executive Women’s Best Practice Recruitment Guidelines, and demonstrated how we can more actively fast-forward the advancement of women in this highly competitive sector. We look forward to being part of another wonderful event next year!

In the meantime, we’d be delighted to share our insights about gender diversity best practice to anyone who wants to get behind this important Universities Australia initiative.

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