Mr. Robert French has been appointed as the next Principal for Kilvington Grammar School - Future Leadership

Mr. Robert French has been appointed as the next Principal for Kilvington Grammar School

Rob presents with school leadership experience gained within multiple independent schools, encompassing pastoral care, teaching and learning, staff management and development, strategic planning, co-curricular activities and engagement with stakeholder groups including parents and alumni.

Rob currently holds the position of Deputy Head/Head of Senior School with Camberwell Grammar School. Rob joined Camberwell in 2013 as Head of Middle School. In Term 2 of 2019 Rob gained valuable experience as Acting Headmaster and was able to experience working closely with the Chair of Council and Council committees as well as the community relations, marketing and fundraising teams.

Earlier in his career Rob held positions as the Deputy Head of Middle School with Geelong Grammar School and Head of House at Carey Baptist Grammar School.

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