Professor Jennene Greenhill is Professor of Nursing and Chair of Discipline at Southern Cross University - Future Leadership

Professor Jennene Greenhill is Professor of Nursing and Chair of Discipline at Southern Cross University

A key member of the Faculty of Health’s executive leadership team, the Professor of Nursing and Chair of Discipline is responsible for providing leadership to the nursing discipline and the delivery of innovative, learner-centred education reflecting the highest professional standards and aims of SCU’s nursing curriculum.

With a national and international profile in health professional education, Professor Jennene Greenhill has been appointed to this important position.  She was most recently Professor and Principal Research Fellow at the UWA Medical School and Rural Clinical School at the University of Western Australia, where she completed a national evaluation of a number of Regional Training Hubs.  Jennene also designed the national leadership program for the Federation of Rural Australian Medical Educators, a peak body for which she is a former Chair.

Jennene’s research interests are in the health workforce, transformative learning and health service improvement in underserved and socially disadvantaged rural and Aboriginal communities.  As Associate Dean and Director of Rural Health South Australia at Flinders University, she oversaw the expansion of Rural Health School into a geographically dispersed and complex organisation involving 4,800 rural nursing, midwifery and allied health student placements.

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