Professor Juanita Sherwood is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) at Charles Sturt University - Future Leadership

Professor Juanita Sherwood is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) at Charles Sturt University

Professor Juanita Sherwood has been appointed as the new Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) at Charles Sturt University, a role that has a clear focus on taking an active leadership role in the continuing development and implementation of Indigenous learning, research and engagement across the sector.

With both Wiradjuri and Murri ancestry, Professor Sherwood is a registered nurse, teacher, lecturer, researcher and manager with a depth of working experiences of some 30 years in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and education.  At the University of Sydney since 2015, Juanita is currently Associate Dean Indigenous in the Faculty of Medicine and Health, where she has worked with five faculties and two schools in broadening the Indigenous health curriculum scope, promoting cultural safety as a key strategy for all staff and students, and ensuring the medical program passes its accreditation phase within an improved Indigenous health and research focus.  She is also chief investigator on two recent NHMRC grants. Juanita is also a former Academic Director of the National Centre for Cultural Competence.

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