Shane Crowe is the new Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery at Western Health
Shane Crowe is the new Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery at Western Health. Shane is an experienced health leader who has fulfilled a number of executive, senior clinical, project management and general management roles across his career. Shane was most recently acting as the Chief Nursing Officer at Austin Health where he was responsible for overseeing the professional leadership of over 3,500 nurses and delivering the strategic aspects of nursing services at Austin Health since November 2016. Shane is able to evidence an extensive career with Austin Health including leading the commissioning of the Short Stay Unit and establishing the Psychiatric Assessment Planning Unit in a Director capacity from 2016-2017 and leading the transition project for the Olivia Newton-John Cancer & Wellness Centre. Shane also served six years as Deputy Director, Ambulatory & Nursing Services. Between 2013 and 2016 Shane undertook a secondment with the DHHS to manage the Workforce Innovation & Reform Unit. In this role he led the planning and implementation of the Government’s workforce reform agenda projects across a number of health services. Projects that were included in Shane’s remit include the introduction of nurse and midwifery to patient ratios legislation for public hospitals and health services